Annamrita Foundation is a secular non-for-profit organisation that strives to fight Poverty driven Hunger and school dropout in India.

Our vision is to serve nutritious and sanctified high quality food to the underprivileged children in India. In line with the objectives of the mid day meal project,Our goal is to increase enrolment in schools, reduce malnutrition whilst ensuring that “No child in India shall be deprived of education because of poverty and hunger”.Annamrita set itself a mission to liberate the underprivileged children from the vicious cycle of poverty and illiteracy by serving them wholesome nutritious meal.
“No Child in India shall be deprived of education because of poverty.”

We have got our self a perspective to reach out to the Bottom of the Pyramid(BOP) through our Mid-Day Meal Programme that helps to ensure that Children from the deprived community can get an access to Compulsory Primary Education irrespective of their economic strata and eventually pull them out of the vicious cycle of POVERY “ONE MEAL AT A TIME”.