Annamrita Foundation is a secular non-for-profit organisation that strives to fight Poverty driven Hunger and school dropout in India.

Centralized Kitchen

These mechanised Kitchens are equipped to churn out 50-100K meals daily with utmost hygiene and precision.

Operating System

A Centralised Food factory is one, where activities such as Procurement of Raw materials, Storage of raw materials, its processing/cooking, delivery, tracking and maintenance takes place and is monitored from a single window following a set pattern/SOP to ensure Food Safety, Quality and delivery time, day after day. This enables the system to follow TQM(Total Quality Management).
At present we are implementing the mid-day meal program in 20 cities across 7 states of India, through 23 state of the art mechanised kitchens reaching out to over 1.3 million children and 8000+ schools.The mechanised kitchens have the capacity to cook 50k to 100k meals per day.


The Annamrita-Food for Life steam based centralised kitchens are equipped with Boilers, Rice and Sambhar Couldrons, Rice chutes, vegetable cutting and grinding machines, SS 304 food grade vessels etc. Technology has helped us reach scale and speed, the key ingredients for a mid-day meal kitchen. The facilities are Food Safety Complaint and follow a GHP framework. The mechanised kitchens have the capacity to cook 50k to 100k meals per day which otherwise is too difficult to accomplish.

The piping hot food is then packed into SS304 food grade vessels which is carried to the allocated beneficiary schools, using meal delivery vans. Each customised meal van can carry food for 1500-2000 children.