Annamrita Foundation is a secular non-for-profit organisation that strives to fight Poverty driven Hunger and school dropout in India.

Annamrita Foundation is a secular non-for-profit organisation that strives to fight Poverty driven Hunger and school dropout in India. It’s so inspiring to learn, how our mentors and founders began this roller coaster journey with very limited resources but a strong GRIT and the Vision that “No Child in India shall be deprived of Education Because Of Poverty and Hunger”.

Since 2004, Annamrita Foundation, formerly known as ISKCON Food Relief Foundation, a global subsidiary of the ISKCON-Food for Life Program has been serving over 1.3 million deprived underserved children across 7800 schools in 7 states of India through its Certified ISO Kitchens.
Over the period, We have created significant impact in terms of school attendance, enrolment,classroom performance, gender equality through our hot, nutritious and wholesome meals that serve as an Incentive to attract children to school.


Today, Annamrita Foundation-Food for Life is the Worlds largest (non-profit run) secular, mass meal provider according to the WFP (World Food Program) estimates. Every day we dish-out over 2 million meals globally out of which 100,000 meals are served only in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Midday Meal is a strategic program of the Government of India, and is being implemented by Annamrita Foundation also known as ISKCON Food Relief Foundation (IFRF) in select schools across the country. The aim of this project is to liberate children from the vicious cycle of Malnourishment and Illiteracy.

Thought Behind the Mid-Day Meal Scheme

To address the issue, the Government of India, in its wisdom, launched the Mid Day Meal scheme, It was designed to provide nutritiously cooked afternoon meal every day to every child enrolled in a Government school. The meal not only fights hunger, it brings a hungry child’s attention back to the lessons, and it also encourages out-of-school children to get enrolled so that they can at least be assured of one wholesome meal every day.